Saturday, May 14, 2011

Message #6

Hey there! I TOTALLY agree with Paige there. But now, I have a new message to share with you. It's very similar to Paige's but the subject of it is 'beauty.' I hate it on how people say they aren't beautiful. So they go ahead and cover themselves up with 5 tons of makeup! Bleh! Makeup is fine I guess. Like on What Not To Wear (if you watch it), the makeup chic says, "I'm not changing anything about you, just making you stand out a bit." I totally agree with her. You don't need to cover yourself up with something that adds on more time and effort. You can shine by being yourself. Like I said before in my Message #2 , you don't need to spend four hours doing your hair. It really is pathetic. I'm not saying to stop wearing your makeup and stuff, just tone it down. Don't say you need makeup to be pretty. That is SO not true. I haven't worn makeup and people compliment me all the time. What bugs me about some people is that they say, "Ug... I haven't put any makeup on! I'm sorry I look hideous!" What the heck? Why do people SAY that? They look fine. In fact, some people put on so much makeup and crap they probably think "Oh no! They WHOLE world is going to stare at me and if I look ugly, they'll hate me!" Ug. That is so stupid. People like you for you. I'll bet that the people you are with, don't stare up and down at you for however long you are with them. You are still beautiful. Remember that. You don't need to look fake to be pretty. I promise.
~Sandee Beech

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