Friday, May 13, 2011

Message #5

This is Paige Terner speaking!  My 'sermon' if you will is not as usual. It's not chliche, and its not about "saving the environment" or anything like that.
This is about talents. Yes I know : "I don't have any Talents." Well, believe me, I say the same thing sometimes. However, I think everyone has a talent, and I think if we have that talent, we should share it. Don't be selfish with your talent! Show it off to the world!
What annoys me most is a situation like this:
"Hey Paige, look at this drawing I did! It took me forever!"
"Wow Ruth that's really good!"
"Haha no, It's really bad."
WHAT?! If it was really bad, then  why the HECK did she show it to me? When stuff like that happens I want to scream! I want to grab he or she by the shoulders and say YOU ARE AMAZING! YOU HAVE TALENTS!
I mean, don't brag or anything like that, but don't completely say what you did was terrible! If someone compliments you say a little "thanks" or something like that. In our society, people focus too much on burying their talents then SHINING BRIGHT! Be proud of yourself! I love you guys(: And please spark a light, shine bright. :)
-Paige Terner

1 comment:

  1. True! In some cultures this sort of thing gets so bad that you actually start insulting your own stuff. If you offer someone a cookie, you have to first tell them that you've been ashamed of your cooking your whole life and that your cookies probably taste like dog poop and that you don't deserve the honor they're giving you by eating your cookie.
