Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Message #13

This will be a short lesson, I promise. Hahaha! Anyway, this message is about honesty and listening. If someone tells you to do something, do it. I don't mean hop in a random car because a random person asks you. I mean do what your teachers and parents tell you to do. They ask it for you. For instance- if your teacher tells you to print one thing and one thing only, don't print anything else. If you do, it can cause a LOT more problems and it puts everyone in a bad mood. By that extra thing you print, it could accidentally be like 200 pages! Now, you just held everyone up, wasted paper and ink that costs money, and made everyone in a bad mood. Now, if you accidentally did it, it's OK. People make mistakes. It's life. If you did print (for example) another thing, and it was 200 pages, tell. While the teacher is trying to find the person who printed the extra pages, speak up. That teacher will probably punish everyone else and they will all be grumpy, whereas you could've spoken up, told it was an accident, and the teacher forgave you, and no one was punished. I'm not saying you will never get in trouble. It can happen and it will one day. I'm just saying isn't it better for one person to get in trouble then the whole innocent class? If you speak up, you are an honest person. If you hold your tongue, you are a liar. Which do you want to be?
~Sandee Beech

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