Saturday, July 2, 2011

Message #19

I was just recently talking to my bud. She is so cool. She is one of my heroes. She is so loving and fun. She sees the true you. She just told me that people who tend to wear make-up, other people are attracted to. What I'm trying to say is that people like you better when you wear make-up. Let me throw this out to you. THAT IS SOOOOOO NOT TRUE!!!!!! I think it's wrong to tell someone else, "You SHOULD wear make-up." They can decide for themselves. I mean, what if they don't LIKE to wear make-up? Don't force someone into feeling that they are only beautiful when they wear make-up. That is a lie. You are beautiful. My bud showed me that and I thank her for that! <3
~Sandee Beech :)

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